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S'han trobat 96 ítems
Llistant ítems des de 75 a 96:
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Format | Data | Títol | Autor |
Operation and control of SBR processes for enhanced biological nutrient removal from wastewater |
Puig Broch, Sebastià
25 octubre 2018 |
Pharmaceutical and personal care products removal by advanced treatment technologies |
Chtourou, Mariem
25 novembre 2011 |
Procesos secuenciales de adsorción/oxidación con H2O2 para la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles |
Anfruns Bagaria, Alba
25 novembre 2011 |
Procesos secuenciales de adsorción/oxidación con H2O2 para la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles |
Anfruns Bagaria, Alba
Procesos secuenciales de adsorción/oxidación con H2O2 para la eliminación de compuestos orgánicos volátiles |
Anfruns Bagaria, Alba
28 maig 2021 |
Removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater combining different treatment technologies: suspect screening identification and risk assessment of transformation products |
Jaén Gil, Adrián
4 febrer 2019 |
Resilience of water resource recovery facilities: a framework for quantitative model-based assessment |
Juan García, Pau
29 novembre 2004 |
SBR technology for wastewater treatment: suitable operational conditions for a nutrient removal |
Vives Fàbregas, M. Teresa
SBR technology for wastewater treatment: suitable operational conditions for a nutrient removal |
Vives Fàbregas, M. Teresa
17 març 2017 |
Sistema d’ajut a la decisió per la selecció de sistemes de sanejament |
Castillo Llorens, Alba
Sistema d’ajut a la decisió per la selecció de sistemes de sanejament |
Castillo Llorens, Alba
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
13 juliol 2016 |
Sulfide and methane production in anaerobic sewer pipes: from microbial community characterization to effective mitigation strategies |
Auguet Horta, Olga
Supervisory systems in waste water treatment plants: sistematise their implementation |
Cortés de la Fuente, Christian
17 desembre 2002 |
Supervisory systems in waste water treatment plants: sistematise their implementation |
Cortés de la Fuente, Christian
29 abril 2019 |
Taking advantage of autotrophic nitrogen removal: potassium and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater |
Johansson, Sara
15 desembre 2020 |
Target analysis and suspect screening of wastewater derived contaminants in receiving riverine and coastal areas and assessment of environmental risks |
Čelić, Mira
Towards better management of combined sewer systems. A methodology based on low-cost monitoring |
Montserrat Royuela, Albert
3 juliol 2015 |
Towards better management of combined sewer systems. A methodology based on low-cost monitoring |
Montserrat Royuela, Albert
24 octubre 2024 |
Towards energy neutral WWTPs: piloting mainstream partial nitritation AGS and anammox |
Carbó Monmany, Oriol
20 juliol 2020 |
Towards the implementation of a biotechnology for biogas upgrading: role of bacteria in siloxane removal |
Boada Cahueñas, Ellana